
Watermelons can heal diuresis and other related illnesses

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Do you like eating watermelons ? Well, a lot of people like having them juiced ,used as jam or just eating them and few of them know the benefits of eating these fruits. In fact , some of watermelon parts can help you heal diuretic and other related illnesses.

Citrullus Lanatus (scientific name ) or people usually call them watermelons were originated from subtropical areas in Africa but the Vietnamese believe that watermelons were discovered by Prince Mai an Tiem , an adopted son of the 11th Hung King, who was exiled unjustly to an island. During his exile , He prayed for a guidance and suddenly a bird passed and dropped the seed. He took the seed and planted " dưa tây " or western melon. Honestly speaking , I'm not really sure about this legend but that's the fact that others believe.

These juicy fruits carry some useful ingredients which may help you with your diuretic problem and other illnesses starting from the outer part to the inside. As you can read below :

1... watemelons provide a lot of vitamin C , A , B6 and B1

2... the watermelon rinds are also edible and they are good for those who have got Diuresis ( problem of urinating ). The other useful stuff is that the rinds can help you remove the forming matter in your kidney and keep it clean.

3... the sweet flesh can satisfy your thirst and also become a remedy for various kinds of health problem such as heat stroke ( being unconscious due to the heat ) , fever with a dry mouth and bad breath , pain during urinating , too much gas , hepatitis , hypertension , men's fertility problem , high cholesterol , and reducing wrinkles on your face.

4... The watermelon rinds can also be used to treat diabetic mellitus , migraine , itches from dangerous plants , alcoholic hangover , hair loss , and sunburned skin.

5... The watermelon seeds can be used to heal your kidney , infected bladder , and moisturize your colons.

How can we use these useful parts of watermelon for real ? well, there are some ways of comsuming watermelon beside eating just like that such as :

A> boiling the rinds for about 10 to 30 grams and drink the water

B> eating the flesh regularly or making it into juice

C> for the external use , clean and rub the rinds on your scalp to reduce hair loss or to treat the itchy skin ( from the poisonous plants ). for the facial treatment( losing the wrinkles ) or other skin problem , you can boil the rinds and use the the liquid to wash your face or skin. Do this regularly okay !

Attention : for those of you who have problematic heart , don't eat too many watermelons and for those who have prostate problem , DON'T eat watermelon !!

I hope this information can be very useful to you. Good luck !

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